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Discussion on MPs’ abuses of the expenses system, in light of the latest report on the issue.



Hi all. I am a criminology graduate who now works in the media and loves comedy and pollitics. I try and combine these two passions in my articles, I hope you enjoy. 


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The title of this article may sound like a tacky sequel to an American low budget film shot in somebody’s back yard with a camera and lots of (let’s call it) imagination. In fact, it focuses on the very serious topic of MPs’ expenses, now that another report has been released into who is claiming what and for how much. It has been four years since a publication by The Telegraph Group found that a number of MPs were claiming for items they were not supposed to; or were abusing the system in a way in which financially benefited themselves, friends and relatives.


For me, in the political world, waiting for and finally reading another one of these reports makes me feel like an underage boy with a fake ID buying the new Grand Theft Auto game, or like a child getting the new Harry Potter novel. Of course this topic has nothing to do with Harry Potter. I mean, the Harry Potter series of books and films is about a bunch of children who have powers that they do not know what to do with; often abusing these powers and getting into trouble in the process.


It is important to say that MPs do some very important work in improving and protecting this country- always have done and always will do. What is equally important though is the money we pay as tax payers and where this goes. What is of concern is that MPs claimed a total of £23m in personal expenses in the year to April. Maybe there should be a tighter limit on how much they can spend on a hotel room, a flight, a train journey? Or even the fact that they are allowed to pay family members £50,000 to work in their constituency offices.


Many say there should be some stricter rules and regulations into what MPs can expense and to what value. I know if I went to my work place and requested a floating duck island for my garden pond or interest payments for a part of my mortgage that I had already repaid, I would be under more heat than a footballer in Qatar in the middle of July.


Instead of letting MPs have a second home, why not build a block of apartments and let them rent one off the government? Therefore there would be a set price, and they would officially be paying off the money it costs to build the apartment. I see myself as a realist. I understand they have to work in London and their home town. Surely this seems like a more cost effective solution though.


My main concern is that our hard earned money is buying MPs grapefruit bowls, flagpoles and bedside vases. Please feel free to spend my money on visiting people who need to see their local MP about important matters regarding the local area or community problems.


Things do seem to be changing but there is still some way to go. It is not all down to the rules and regulations though. It is also about conscience and morals. It is the MP with the fully expensed second home with thousands of pounds of interior design artefacts who has to sleep down the road from the family who only have £20 a month spare after they cover all bills and costs and just manage to feed their children. Remember, we have the vote and we have the power to vote elsewhere if we are not happy.


We live in a democracy after all…I think. 

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